The Wounded Eagle UAS program is designed to impart essential knowledge about both fixed-wing and multirotor concepts of RC (remote-controlled) flight. This program covers both manual and autonomous flight capabilities. Our primary objective is to offer disabled veterans an opportunity for personal growth, providing them with a fresh lease on life.
Through training in sUAV/S operation, we aim to enhance the employment prospects for our disabled veterans and contribute to their rehabilitation by instilling confidence, focus, and recreation. Since sUAV/S operates on battery power, it aligns with “green” jobs, potentially granting disabled American veterans access to support and grants for launching their own environmentally-conscious businesses.
In terms of future job growth and developments within the civilian sUAV/S industry, it’s an exciting and rapidly evolving field. Various sectors, including advertising, agriculture, film/TV, journalism, real estate, sports, travel, power utilities, and public safety, are increasingly adopting sUAV/S technology. This trend is expected to create tens of thousands of “green” jobs. Wounded Eagle’s core mission is to provide skilled pilot/operators to fulfill these job opportunities.
The development of sUAV/S represents a unique opportunity for disabled American veterans, as there is a scarcity of individuals with expertise in flying RC aircraft. This places us at an advantageous position, capitalizing on the transfer of cutting-edge military technologies to the civilian world. We are at the forefront of this exciting wave of progress.

Wounded Eagle is a collaborative effort involving veterans and dedicated civilians who are committed to assisting wounded and disabled service members, veterans, and their families in their pursuit of opportunities within the commercial drone industry. We achieve this by offering training, networking, and mentorship. Wounded Eagle’s core dedication is to empower our members with the necessary tools, training, and resources, enabling them to attain FAA certification as commercial drone operators.
At Wounded Eagle UAS, our mission revolves around delivering a high-quality, professional, and educational experience to our American veterans. We take a hands-on approach to equip them with the skills, tools, education, and practical experience essential for thriving in the unmanned aerial systems industry, whether as a career or a passionate hobby.

What We Do
Our program supports qualified members in their journey to become fully certified commercial drone operators, sanctioned by the FAA to operate drones weighing less than 55 pounds for commercial purposes. The training regimen includes an eLearning certification course in collaboration with Pilot Training System, complemented by an 8-week lecture series, led by Dr. Chris Johnson, enabling our members to achieve certification.
Dr. Chris Johnson, an Air Force veteran and accomplished data scientist, specializes in crafting drones and other robotic combat vehicles for the US Army. With 15 years of experience as an instructor pilot, he has trained thousands of both manned and unmanned pilots and has been instrumental in developing numerous drone programs for a diverse range of clients, including Global-100 enterprises, Fortune-500 companies, and prestigious universities.
Our program not only opens doors to new careers in the UAS industry for our team members but also offers the therapeutic benefits and joy of flying. Consider the life-changing impact for someone confined to a wheelchair; this opportunity can significantly enhance their quality of life.
The future of the UAS industry is incredibly promising, as we find ourselves in the midst of a golden age for UAVs and ROVs. The potential opportunities for careers, employment, and new startups for our team and fellow veterans are virtually boundless. Virtually every industrial sector will be transformed by the introduction of UAVs and ROVs into their operations. It’s noteworthy that, as of August 29th, the FAA has implemented a test certification (14CFR Part 107) for sUAS operators, which no longer requires a pilot’s license.
Our course structure is straightforward: roughly half the time is spent in a classroom setting, while the remaining portion, if not more, is dedicated to hands-on flight experience in the field. Upon completing our program, students will receive the multirotor they constructed, along with the tools they used for assembly and maintenance, batteries, a charger, transmitter, receiver, and miscellaneous parts for their multirotor.
The UAS/ROV industry is experiencing extraordinary growth as companies continue to explore new applications for drones. Market forecasts indicate that the UAS industry is expected to demand tens of thousands of operators. Business Insider reports that shipments of enterprise drones, also known as commercial drones, are projected to reach 805,000 units in 2021, boasting a remarkable CAGR of 51%, in stark contrast to the modest 5% growth rate observed on the military side.